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Effluent Treatment Plant or ETP for Textile Industry

If you are into an industrial sector, then you need to pay attention to wastewater management. With the rapid development of industries, more and more harmful pollutants/contaminants are discharged into the environment and lead to serious environment risk specially water pollution of major concern. Textile industry is the most water consuming industry and also generates more wastewater too. Hence, it is mandatory to limit hazardous wastewater discharging from the textile or garment industry by setting up effluent treatment plant (ETP).

Textile or garment sectors generate effluents of extremely variable composition hence wastewater treatment system plays a vital role here. Yes, ETP or Effluent Treatment Plant is the best option for safe environment from textile waste and it results in cost and environment savings with excellent treatment efficiency.

Effluent Treatment Plant or ETP for Textile Industry

1. Effluent Treatment Plant | Importance of ETP on Textile Industries:

ETP or Effluent Treatment Plant is the most effective and technically advanced treatment system which is designed to treat effluent or waste generated from various establishments like industries etc. The various components of the ETP will depend on the characteristics of the effluent i.e. depending on the type of effluent is to be processed. There are different types of ETPs are available depending on the quality and quantity of the effluent.

Textile industry generates huge volume of wastewater which varies greatly in composition and containing various chemicals used in dyeing, printing, and various other processes. Discharging of untreated effluent from textile industries is highly harmful to the natural environment, causing pollution to nearby water and soil. To get rid of this problem, an ETP or effluent treatment plant plays an important role in textile or garment industries by protecting environment from the harmful effect of wastewater.

2. Treatment process sequence involved in ETP for Textile industry:

The untreated textile wastewater from different sections consists of high levels of TSS, dyes, chemicals & auxiliaries, metal toxicants and BOD which must be treated before they are discharged to environment. When wastewater passes through the ETP, pollutants are removed and the quality of the water is improved to an acceptance/standard level, allowing for final discharge to the environment without any risk.

The mechanisms which often used together in ETP are: Physical, Chemical and Biological. Generally, effluent treatment plant consists of four levels of treatment which undergoes in sequence are briefly described below:

1. Preliminary Treatment:
It is also called pretreatment which involves physical mechanism to treat wastewater. It involves screening which uses bar screens to remove large solids like pieces of rags, fabric, yarn, lints, sticks, etc that may cause damage to equipment of the plant. Then waste water is subjected to next level called physical treatment.

2. Primary Treatment:
It involves physical & chemical mechanisms for treatment of wastewater. When wastewater enters into primary tank, it stays for long time and as a result heavier particles settle to the bottom and lighter particles float on the surface. In this treatment settled and floatable materials are eliminated by using flocculation and coagulation process and then it is passed to secondary or biological treatment.

3. Secondary Treatment:
Wastewater that enters into secondary tank is free from physical particles and it involves biological mechanism. Most of the ETPs use biological treatment which involves aerated lagoons, activated sludge process, trickling filter and oxidation pond for the removal of BOD but activated sludge process is the most versatile biological oxidation method employed for the treatment of wastewater. Here, about 80% of organic waste will be removed and then subjected to tertiary treatment.

4. Tertiary Treatment:
It involves physical, chemical and biological mechanism to remove residual suspended solids, dissolved solids and etc., that are not removed in the preceding treatment levels. Depending on the wastewater condition, several disinfection agents like chlorine, ozone, UV light are used in most common. Wastewater after this treatment is finally fit for disposal or for further use.

3. Top 5 benefits of Effluent Treatment Plant or ETP for Textile Industry:

ETP greatly minimizes the damage done to the environment and also results in benefits for the industry. There are several advantages of ETP and here we listed you top five (5) benefits:

1. It can ensure you in compliance with environmental rules and regulations.
2. It recycles/turns waste water into clean and safe reusable water.
3. It is the best way to reduce waste from your establishment/premises.
4. It is beneficial to the environment by removing unsafe pollutants/contaminants.
5. Properly maintained ETP will help you save money in the long term.

Sewage Treatment Plant

Sewage Treatment Plant

Effluent Treatment Plant

Effluent Treatment Plant

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